Robert "Hawk" Hawkins, Troy "Drivethru" Brown, John "Chill" Wills and Keith "Buck" Suitt of the Austin, TX chapter founded the Gunslingers Motorcycle Club in July 2003. The Gunslingers MC is made up of active and retired police officers in the Central Texas area.

Since then there have been ten more Chapters founded. They are located in Sutter Buttes, CA; Wichita, KS; Topeka, KS; Portland, OR; Detroit, MI,  Lubbock, TX, Twin Cities, MN, Wilmington, DE, Fort Worth, TX, Kansas City, KS 

Our love of the open road brought us together. The Thin Blue Line has kept us together. We ride for those who can't and support our brothers and sisters who have made the ultimate sacrifice protecting our cities, states, and nation.

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